Sunday 27 October 2013 - Wandinong Reserve Centenary, Blackburn (#76)
One of the attendees at the 2013 Steelband Festival was so impressed with the sound of the steel pans that he immediately booked Pans on Fire to play at the Centenary Celebrations of Wandinong Reserve in Blackburn. Wandinong Reserve is a nature reserve in the middle of suburban Blackburn that was bequeathed to the people of Nunawading Shire by the Hoare Family in 1913. Each year, the descendants of the donors gather to celebrate the generosity of their forebears, and this year was the Centenary Celebrations of this gift to the community.
While the band size was somewhat diminished due to prior commitments of many band members, a good-sized quorum was present and played for the assembled guests under the shade of a beautiful Angophera tree (luckily the weather was neither too sunny or too wet, given the demise of the band marquee on the previous weekend!).